Vinada Sparkling Rose 750ml

Vinada Sparkling Rose 750ml
Vinada Sparkling Rose 750ml
Vinada Sparkling Rose 750ml

Vinada Sparkling Rose 750ml

Regular price $126.95

The Vinada Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Rose is a testament to fine craftsmanship.

With its origin in the Spanish wine-growing region La Mancha, the VINADA Rosé is made from a unique mixture of Tempranillo grapes.

Boasting a refined effervescence, it offers a generous mouthfeel without compromising on flavour. Notably, a subtle fruity finish graces the palate, with a gentle hint of strawberry that delicately complements the overall profile. This non-alcoholic sparkling rose strikes the perfect balance, ensuring a dry finish that mirrors the qualities of a traditional sparkling rosé. 

The Rosé would be perfect for a high tea or with a cheese board sitting in the sun

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